The Marylebone Team

We believe in a team approach to education.

Our dedicated team of educators, therapists, and teaching assistants work collaboratively to deliver multi-sensory lessons, blending traditional teaching methods with an integrated therapeutic approach. We also incorporate the latest technological advancements into our teaching, enriching every student’s learning experience.

Senior Leadership Team

Rory Vokes-Dudgeon Headteacher
James Gilbert-Farrell Head of School
Nadia Carella Assistant Headteacher
Susannah Harris Head of SEN
Jenny Fromer Bursar

Middle Leadership Team

Aviva Redmond Lead SENCo
Pia Grosvenor Academic Lead
Jazmin Gahan Pastoral Lead
Sibel Meral Preparation for Adulthood Lead
Laurenn Faucher SaLT Lead



Jonny Calabria SENCo / Teacher
Hamed Salari SENCo / Teacher



Luke Buckingham — English Lead
Belasim Moosavi — Maths Lead
Katharine McKnight — Careers Lead
Angeliki Charitou
Lee Deller
James Lamont
Fernando Mattos
Jak Pennycook
Peter Reeves
Riana Russo
Chloe Squires


Falak Khan Speech and Language Therapist
Zakiyah Ali-Taleb Speech and Language Therapist
Paolo Mangune Speech and Language Therapist
Eva Morley Occupational Therapist
Cliodhna Ni Riain Occupational Therapist
TBC Occupational Therapist
TBC Physiotherapist

Support Staff

Jenna Pearson Mental Health Lead / ELSA
Imen Benhalima Senior TA
Shirneyl Massueme Therapy Assistant
Benhisa Benhalima Teaching Assistant
Ismaaeel Chaudhary Teaching Assistant
Hadi El-Turk Teaching Assistant
Ruma Kaur Teaching Assistant
Callan Meiring Teaching Assistant
Gelila Negussie Teaching Assistant
Jenna Pepworth Teaching Assistant
Magdalena Pokorna Teaching Assistant
Najma Yasin Teaching Assistant
Lara Edwards Learning Support Assistant
Niambi Ross Learning Support Assistant
Suzanne McGuiness Learning Support Assistant
Barbara Knight Lunchtime Assistant
Kim Neville Lunchtime Assistant
Monty School Dog
Rookie School Dog


Administrative & Office Staff

Louise Fincham Admissions Officer
Jennifer Lewin HR Manager
Billy Reece Potter Facilities Manager
Ozay Mustafa Catering Manager
Brigid Quirke Communications & Marketing Manager
Genifa Tison Administrative Officer