
Having made the journey for our eldest child from mainstream to specialist, I feel we have made the right decision. We have seen our child flourish and progress in so many ways. Abingdon House School Purley has 100% been the right decision for us. [...] We are seeing huge benefits in our child’s wellbeing and attainment.
Parent, Abingdon House School Purley
"This school has changed my life. I had to leave my last school because no-one understood me. I came to Abingdon and looking back, it’s the best school that I’ve ever been to and I’ve changed so much over these past three years.
Senior School Student
“I’ve come so far now, the teachers are really helpful, I’ve been doing really well with my work, I’ve made lots of friends and I really enjoy coming to school.”
Senior School Student
“(my child) is the happiest I have seen him in a long time in a school setting. He hasn't stopped talking about Abingdon… everyday he remembers something new and explodes with happiness.”
“Pupils of all abilities make excellent progress in relation to their starting points on joining the school. For many, their previous experience of education has been less successful because their specific and often complex learning difficulties have presented as barriers to learning…
ISI (Independent Schools Inspectorate) Report, 2022
“...Because their present school understands the personal emotional impact of having special educational needs insufficiently met, and has the expertise to address this, pupils flourish following admission.”
ISI (Independent Schools Inspectorate) Report, 2022
“Abingdon House has an extremely flexible approach to providing for the needs of individuals… The curriculum has been carefully considered and designed so that students are well prepared for their futures.
CReSTeD (The Council for the Registration of Schools Teaching Dyslexic Pupils) Report, 2023
“The school are aware that strengths are not always academic and provide opportunities within the school day for students to experience a wide variety of enrichment opportunities ensuring that success can be achieved by all.”
CReSTeD (The Council for the Registration of Schools Teaching Dyslexic Pupils) Report, 2023
“A highly reputed, popular all-through school for children with specific learning difficulties including dyslexia, dyspraxia and ADD/ADHD. There is a very real emphasis on wellbeing here, plus masses of integrated therapy and plenty of extracurricular too – ensuring a properly well-rounded education and the best start in life to those who might otherwise struggle in mainstream school”.
Talk Education