Young Enterprise at Old Spitalfields Market

Posted: 26th March 2023

Recently Ms Redmond and I had the privilege of taking Dracaena, Moon Cactus and Monstera out to run a stall at Old Spitalfields Market, as part of the Young Enterprise project.

We ran two stalls for the three businesses and had a roaring trade. Throughout the day I had teachers from other schools, adults running their own businesses and even a member of the shadow cabinet saying how positive, upbeat and professional our students were.


Dracaena’s business is A Dicey Dungeon, selling a mixture of handmade resin dice, pre-made plastic dice and 3D printed products to enhance roleplay game systems. They took over £170 on the day selling over half of their stock. The group managed an amazing setup with Connor, Shakir and Zachary bringing the customers to the store and then having Mason, Chris and Sebastian give the sales pitch. Judges for the Young Enterprise project were particularly taken with the eagerness and enthusiasm of the group and many customers enjoyed their unique 3D printed products.

Moon Cactus

Moon Cactus Class’s business is called Candles For Vandals, which id homemade candles with different themes. One uses recycled jam jars to preserve scented candles, the other has corporate synergy with A Dicey Dungeon themed around dice. Although there were a number of other young businesses selling dice, they managed to do amazingly well making over £60 on the day, a record for an outside market for that business. Danny is the company CEO and he organised his staff amazingly and Ibrahim proved to be excellent in bringing customers to the store.


The Monstera Class business is called ‘College Creates.’ Ana designed the logo and all students had to learn to use sewing machines in order to sew lined reusable tote bags (perfect for grocery shopping). It has been a challenging process but the students really proved themselves both during production and on the day. We managed to sell more than £100 pounds worth of tote bags and we even sold one to the Shadow Minister for Education. I would like to thank all of the Monstera mums who visited on the day. Not only did they drum up sales, but they also bought tote bags and got students hot chocolate (as they were working outdoors in the cold). Overall I am incredibly proud of Monstera Class and all the work they have put into their business.

Categories: Young Enterprise